
Dealing with water is only fun when you are taking a swim in the pool or at the beach. Nobody wants to experience a body of water on the floor of their home. At Restoration Doctor, we want to make sure you have all the information to maximize your water damage claim. You can trust us when it comes to a water damage insurance claim. Come to us with all your water damage restoration needs.


No More Water

Everyone should know how to maximize a water damage claim. When your plumbing springs a leak or the ceiling starts dripping, you may thank your lucky stars that you have homeowners insurance. You will be covered for all of the damage when you make a water damage claim, right? If only it was that easy. This, unfortunately, is not the case. Let us help!


Most homeowners do have this coverage, but insurance companies are motivated to keep your claim amount low. Plus, there are some mistakes you can make that will help them. Do not worry. Follow these tips for homeowners insurance claims to get the coverage you are owed.


Our Tips To Maximize Your Water Damage Insurance Claim

  • Limit the damage
    • Once you realize that you have water damage you should take steps to limit it. Otherwise, your insurance company may have the right to deny some or all of your claim, on the grounds that you didn’t intervene.


  • Collect evidence
    • Your insurance company will need evidence to assess your claim. Luckily, smartphones have made this part easy. Take photos of all of the damage, and be comprehensive. Also include anything that could have caused the damage, like a broken pipe or a hole in the roof.


  • Report it
    • Now it is time to contact your insurance company. Don’t delay doing so, or you jeopardize your claim. Even if you believe you will make the repairs yourself, calling now will save you a headache later. If you’re not sure water damage is covered by your policy, you should still try to make a claim. The company will let you know if you’re not covered, and there’s no penalty for asking.


  • Are you experiencing flood damage or water damage?
    • To an insurance company, there is a big difference between flood damage and water damage. Floods are caused by nature and generally affect more than one home. Everything else, from broken pipes to leaking HVAC equipment, is water damage.


  • Talk to a public adjuster
    • The water insurance claim process can be slow. Your insurance company has 15 days to send an adjuster, who will assess the water damage. It is usually wiser to hire a public adjuster if you can, especially if your claim is large. These professionals aren’t tied to the insurance company, so they are looking to find the truth, not looking to minimize the insurance company’s payout.


  • Don’t use vendors
    • After they have assessed the water damage, your insurance company has another 15 days to make a decision about your claim. If they approve some or all of the claim, they have another 5 days to send you the money.


Call Us Today

When it comes to dealing with a water damage insurance claim, turn to our mold specialist. We are experts in water damage restoration. We know exactly how to find and get rid of this silent killer. Restoration Doctor, located in Davie, is one of the best restoration companies when it comes to mold inspection and water damage. Call or visit us today for more information. We are the ones to trust when it comes to water damage restoration, Miami FL.